Episode Archives

OffHeap 65. Helping your Boss Help You

Allright, on this OffHeap Episode, we invited no other than @kenkousen to talk us about his new book. Helping your Boss Help You! As most of us are really underlings and have managers that we report to, Ken walk us through the things that he discovered work well (and shared stories of what didn’t work so well) in a full-on, completely stuffed episode of OffHeap.

We also dive into some of our tech news around Project Loom and Apple Surveillance. All in all, a very interesting, possibly life-changing episode of OffHeap

We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

DO follow us on twitter @offheap

Upgrade your Maven Version

Apple Surveillance

Project Loom


Pragmating Programmer’s version
https://pragprog.com/titles/kkmanage/help-your-boss-help-you/ (Prags site for ebooks)

Ken’s preview of the book

OffHeap 64. Autobots…Rollout to the Bar!

Color me jealous! Most of the OffHeap crew (excepting me, Freddy) went back to our roots, and recorded Java Off Heap at the RoundHouse! (The local bar, where Episode 1 was recorded!). It was a great opportunity to be mostly zoom-less and let the conversation flow whenever it wants to flow!

In addition we got Cedric Hurst (@divideby0) to join us there! In all an interesting evening, with libations, Boston Dynamics Acquisition, a deep discussion on the “Right to Repair”, and the implications of GitHub Copilot (the auto-filler AI-powered, FOSS trained helper) on this field!

We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

DO follow us on twitter @offheap

JAX London 10/4 – 10/7 (hybrid)

EclipseCon 10/25 – 10/28 (online)

Jakarta One LiveStream 12/7 (online)

Jconf.dev (In person) 12/8 – 12/10

Boston Dynamics Acquisition

Microsoft Pentagon contract cancelled

Big MS Security Update

Github Co-Pilot

Ruling on Google Gender Bias lawsuit

Right to Repair –

OffHeap 63. Don’t forget to do your backup kids

So new things are happening! Jakarta EE 9.1 was released, GraalVM got to 21.1, and Spring Native is now at 0.10.

We also get a new LightBend CEO (what does this mean?), and the favorite developer Copy-Paste Website (StackOverflow) got bought for (insert Dr. Evil voice here) ONE (.8) BILLION DOLLARS. You didn’t hear it first here, BUT we sure talk about what does this mean! (Remember ExpertsExchange?)

Lastly we dive into a deep discussion on Ransomware and security and how all these things we work everyday can, and are affected by it. Why some companies are keeping up, others are letting security slide, and more importantly, for us as Developers, what kind of role we play on these things.

A passionate discussion on which we touch many points and explore our involvement on this field!

We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

DO follow us on twitter @offheap

GlassFish 6.2 Released

GraalVM 21.1.0

Stackoverflow is acquired

Meat Packer Cyberattack

Colonial Cyber Attack

BadB Promotional Cartoon (NOTE! NOT SAFE FOR WORK)

OffHeap 62. On Stallman, Apple and Basecamp

Right, there were a good tricle of tech news like the release of Scala 3, and that now Microsoft is part of the OpenJDK (hm… we wonder if the JClarity acquision had anything to do w/that ;). But the Internet was rocked by a big tidal wave of D&I avoidance, Social pressure (but some would say Cancel Culture?) and selective historical facts.

In that we dive to explore what has dominated the tech twitter feeds, facebook post, and essentially comment on the unbelievebable nuclear explosion (implosion in the case of Basecamp) that just happened. With the advent of Basecamp’s new policy (and the pyramid of hate), and the follow-up en-masse resignations, then Apple’s offer, twice rescinded to Antonio Garcia Martinez, to finally the Electronic Frontier Foundation inclusion of Dr. Stallman back on the board (on which, his past is either forgiven, or forgotten) this episode dives into how it got to here, and we piece together how these bungled-up situation blew up in the twittersphere

Come take a listen and tour with us the reality of being in tech today! Start listening now for a riveting episode ride!

We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

DO follow us on twitter @offheap

Scala 3

Microsoft OpenJDK:

Oracle JDK 8 Support:

Stallman back on FSF board

Apple Antonio Garcia Martinez

Basecamp – Employee rules update

OffHeap 61. Return of the APIs (Supreme Court Ruling on Oracle v Google)

Ok, 60 episodes ago, back when were were young and innocent, we started this podcast with coverage on the copyrightability of APIs. There were twist…there were turns! And a ton of nail-biting moments, but, finally it seems that the Supreme Court made a ruling (that APIs are not copyrightable)

In this episode we cover the timeline, the ruling, and the possible effects it means for all of us developers, starting on the original days of Sun, and then going all the way to April 5th. We are not lawyers but pundits, and as such, we engage in punditry as we dissect what the Supreme Court ruling said (is it narrow? overarching? did they get the analogy right?)

Would this turn out to be a George-Lucas moment where there will be more litigation? Episode VII, VIII or IX? or a Jar-Jar Binks moment? We don’t know, but we sure be covering them if they happen in our watch!

We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

DO follow us on twitter @offheap

Jakarta EE 9.1 – May

GlassFish 6.1.0 – Aim for JDK 16: (?)

JetBrains IntelliJ IDE 2021.1: (?)

JDK 17 Early Releases and Timeline:

Oracle releases R2DBC driver

Dell will spin off VMware

Oracle v Google FINALLY!

OffHeap 60. JDK 16, Spring Native, Micronaut, Microprofile and GraalVM have new releases! Author tags, And Companies blaming Interns (boo!)

Hey y’all, well, this episode we dive into tons of fun stuff. There are new toys w/JDK 16, Spring Native and Graal. Essentially, it’s a fun time to play with Native and new JDK 16 features (Records are mainstream!).

And in a one-two punch, Spring Native release of 0.9, and Graal news of adopting truffle makes the ideal of adopting native images for your Java builds not far-fetched. It might have still some rough edges, but oh my, for some projects, it went from being painful, to a non-issue. So yeah. Millisecond startup times coming up!

Micronaut is also out with 2.4.0, which we think is actually healthy! (we worried for a second or two). And Microprofile also has a release, with its LRA (and SAGA! pattern). We really wished SAGA was an acronym

In addition some interesting consolidation happening with Crowdstrike buying Humio, and Okta acquiring Auth0. Interesting moves in security and authentication to say the least.

We see how deep SolarWinds go with blaming an intern for their security woes. If that’s your strategy, you already lost at the security game (shame!)

And lastly, oh my, there is an Outlook vulnerability making its rounds. Important enough to hear (and patch!). You don’t want weird inetpub/wwwroot files hanging in your outlook server.

We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

DO follow us on twitter @offheap

Take the JVM Survey!

JDK 16

MicroProfile LRA

CrowdStrike nabs Humio for $400M – https://techcrunch.com/2021/02/18/logging-startups-are-suddenly-hot-as-crowdstrike-nabs-humio-for-400m/

Micronaut 2.4.0

Okta acquires Auth0: https://techcrunch.com/2021/03/03/okta-acquires-cloud-identity-startup-auth0-for-6-5b/amp/?__twitter_impression=true&guccounter=1

SolarWinds blaming an intern

@Author tags:

Graal and Truffle

Microsoft Exchange Mass Hack:

OffHeap 59. Causing Trouble at DevNexus

So we did it again! We managed to get into a conference schedule (Virtually this time). Within the Virtual Devnexus conference we invited https://twitter.com/billykorando and https://twitter.com/CGuntur to join us as we discuss the latest Java news, and Career advise!

Wanna hear from the “big kahuna”s on how to move to that next level? Then, come, and listen to this fun-packed episode of OffHeap from DevNexus!

We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

DO follow us on twitter @offheap

JFrog Sunsetting BinTray

OpenJ9 Source / No Binaries

OffHeap 58. New Year, new rules, new bans!

Many things are happening this year. With the official end of the Adobe Flash era, we take a dive on the current landscape including Netbeans, Microprofile 4.0, the alledged Russia Cyber attack of Jetbrains Software, and then into the huge sway that social media platforms have.

We dive deeply into how the bans of twitter accounts, hosting providers, and social media tends to shape society, and realize how huge technology is for managing these. We see how it relates to the US’s concept of Freedom of speech (and what it / what isn’t freedom of speech). An very charged episode with a lot of opinions on technology and censorship. Definitively entertaining!

We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

DO follow us on twitter @offheap

Adobe Flash Player End-of-Life

MicroProfile 4.0

Russia Cyber-attack

Parler suspended from AWS

Permanent suspension of @realdonaltrump

OffHeap 57. Our End-Of-The-Year Review!

That’s right folks, we are (finally) saying goodbye (and good riddance to 2020), so in the tradition of OffHeap we review the year. From having 2 Java releases, to the move of OpenJDK to github and how tech has been changed by the Pandemic we talk about it all.

We also see what’s coming up on for 2021, including Project Loom (and what does THAT mean for Reactive Programming), new LTS in our hands (Java 17) and Spring 6! In all, this next year looks like is going to be so much fun!

So kick, back, relax, sip your favorite beverage, and enjoy our end-of-the-year Episode.

We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

DO follow us on twitter @offheap

JVM Advent Calendar

Jakarta EE released

Intellij Idea 2020.3

Eclipse IDE 2020-12

NetBeans 12.2 Released

Jakarta One Sessions Available

DawsCon coming up Online

Java Champions Conference

OffHeap 56. Paraya, Jakarta, Microprofile! OSGi finds a new home in Eclipse, and Goog v Oracle heating up!

So JDK 16 is rolling out, and keeping with the new six month cadence, we are getting new toys at least twice a year! We also have Microprofile 4 being released.

In addition, we see the Eclipse Foundation getting bigger and bigger as it welcomes the OSGi alliance (how big will it become?)

Lastly we talk about backdoor encryption requests, and the Case that will never die… Google V Oracle API Copyrights. Covering it all in our brand new OffHeap Episode!

We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

DO follow us on twitter @offheap

  • JDK 16 JEPs rolling in: https://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk/16/
  • Payara releases Jakarta EE 9 compatible container: https://www.javacodegeeks.com/2020/10/kicking-the-tires-of-jakarta-ee-9-with-payara.html
  • Eclipse Transformer (discuss?): https://projects.eclipse.org/proposals/eclipse-transformer
  • MicroProfile 4.0: https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/technology.microprofile/releases/microprofile-4.0
  • OSGi Alliance to Eclipse https://blog.osgi.org/2020/10/announcement-of-transition-to-eclipse.html?m=1
  • Backdoor encryption Access https://www.theverge.com/2020/10/12/21513212/backdoor-encryption-access-us-canada-australia-new-zealand-uk-india-japan
  • Google AntiTrust Suit https://apnews.com/article/google-justice-department-antitrust-0510e8f9047956254455ec5d4db06044
  • Google Oracle Supreme Court – https://www.c-span.org/video/?469263-1/google-v-oracle-america-oral-argument#