OffHeap 77. The “Lost” Episode

So, someone forgot to click on the “publish” button for December and we have an extra episode queued up! (Oh well)

We cover the new virtual conferences coming up for the Year 2023 that are coming up + we dive into the massive tech layoff happening (including of course twitter).

We then dive head-first on an ever-relevant question. “If you were to start a new project now, which Java version would you use”. Do you stick with 11? Or jump into 17? or try a non-lts with 19? or (gasp), you go to 8? We dive into the pros/cons and what our esteem panel of pundits have to say about it. So take on and listen to the (lost) but very much relevant episode

We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

DO follow us on twitter @offheap


  • JakartaOne LiveStream – Dec 6
  • SpringOne – Dec 6 – 8
  • jChampions Conf – Jan 19, 20, 23, 24
  • Devnexus – Apr 4-6, CFP closes Nov 15



  • Which Java version should you start a new project?

OffHeap 74. Back at the Bar (Roundhouse)

Oh my! So this episode Freddy couldn’t be in (He was busy running a Seattle JUG meetup), but have no Fear! As Bob, Michael and Josh took the helm on recording (and making sure that I was red with jealousy at not being there). Covering the news (Javaone is coming!), to the latest topics (Java dead again?) we have a breath of fresh air, and “back to roots” format on how we used to record these.

So come and start listening to this episode, in the nostalgic format of how we started!
We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

DO follow us on twitter @offheap


JavaOne is back

Apache Con (New Orleans Oct 3 – 6)

DevTalks Romania:

Spring One (December 6-8 CFP closes June 20 registration is currently open)


Loom to Java 19

Spring for GraphQL 1.0

  • Spring Boot 2.7
  • Spring Framework 6 – M4
  • Spring Boot 3 – M3

Project Leyden

Kotlin 1.7.0

Lightbend Kalix.

OffHeap 66. Faster LTS releases? And A new Java license you say? How…peculiar

So aside from being all giddy about Java 17 LTS release, we take now a deep dive on the changes that Oracle announced on their release schedule and Licensing. WANL (We are not Lawyers) but that didn’t stop us from discussing what could it mean, and where would it go!

Faster LTS, we are onboard. It’s fun to be able to jump from LTS to LTS, but what does that mean for older releases and maintainability (as Oracle longstanding policy is to sunset the “oldest” of LTS when a new one comes out). We see the interesting dynamics on this with the new “Oracle No Fee Terms and Conditions”, and what does that mean for Big Red’s plan for our favorite programming language.

In all, an interesting episode to pay attention to (and to know what’s important). Like all Licenses, do talk to a real lawyer before adopting a new license (we really are just code monkeys that managed to wrestle a microphone). Or go with another Java open source binary provider on the standard licenses (Like Adoptium!)
We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

DO follow us on twitter @offheap

SpringOne Videos Available

EclipseCon – October 25-28

Jakarta One – December 7 – December 8 – 10

The new

Intellij Updates

Netbeans 12.5 Released

Reactive Summit – November 2-3

Oracle Developer Live – October 26-27

jChampions – January 2022

DevNexus – April 2022

Java Is Still Free!

Oracle Java 17 Licenses

OffHeap 62. On Stallman, Apple and Basecamp

Right, there were a good tricle of tech news like the release of Scala 3, and that now Microsoft is part of the OpenJDK (hm… we wonder if the JClarity acquision had anything to do w/that ;). But the Internet was rocked by a big tidal wave of D&I avoidance, Social pressure (but some would say Cancel Culture?) and selective historical facts.

In that we dive to explore what has dominated the tech twitter feeds, facebook post, and essentially comment on the unbelievebable nuclear explosion (implosion in the case of Basecamp) that just happened. With the advent of Basecamp’s new policy (and the pyramid of hate), and the follow-up en-masse resignations, then Apple’s offer, twice rescinded to Antonio Garcia Martinez, to finally the Electronic Frontier Foundation inclusion of Dr. Stallman back on the board (on which, his past is either forgiven, or forgotten) this episode dives into how it got to here, and we piece together how these bungled-up situation blew up in the twittersphere

Come take a listen and tour with us the reality of being in tech today! Start listening now for a riveting episode ride!
We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

DO follow us on twitter @offheap

Scala 3

Microsoft OpenJDK:

Oracle JDK 8 Support:

Stallman back on FSF board

Apple Antonio Garcia Martinez

Basecamp – Employee rules update

OffHeap 60. JDK 16, Spring Native, Micronaut, Microprofile and GraalVM have new releases! Author tags, And Companies blaming Interns (boo!)

Hey y’all, well, this episode we dive into tons of fun stuff. There are new toys w/JDK 16, Spring Native and Graal. Essentially, it’s a fun time to play with Native and new JDK 16 features (Records are mainstream!).

And in a one-two punch, Spring Native release of 0.9, and Graal news of adopting truffle makes the ideal of adopting native images for your Java builds not far-fetched. It might have still some rough edges, but oh my, for some projects, it went from being painful, to a non-issue. So yeah. Millisecond startup times coming up!

Micronaut is also out with 2.4.0, which we think is actually healthy! (we worried for a second or two). And Microprofile also has a release, with its LRA (and SAGA! pattern). We really wished SAGA was an acronym

In addition some interesting consolidation happening with Crowdstrike buying Humio, and Okta acquiring Auth0. Interesting moves in security and authentication to say the least.

We see how deep SolarWinds go with blaming an intern for their security woes. If that’s your strategy, you already lost at the security game (shame!)

And lastly, oh my, there is an Outlook vulnerability making its rounds. Important enough to hear (and patch!). You don’t want weird inetpub/wwwroot files hanging in your outlook server.
We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

DO follow us on twitter @offheap

Take the JVM Survey!

JDK 16

MicroProfile LRA

CrowdStrike nabs Humio for $400M –

Micronaut 2.4.0

Okta acquires Auth0:

SolarWinds blaming an intern

@Author tags:

Graal and Truffle

Microsoft Exchange Mass Hack:

OffHeap 53. Recording Videos and Happy Birthdays!

So we finally did it! We actually turned on the cameras for you to see us! As we venture into the Video portion of our podcast we picked up on the new cadence from Spring Boot, updates on GraalVM, and Jakarta news.

We also dived into the 25th Year of Java (Happy Birthday!) and discuss, what the next 25 years of Java look like. So stay tuned, take a peek. Subscribe to our Video feed, or if our homely faces scare you, we still have our regular Audio feed!

We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

DataDog Logo

DO follow us on twitter @offheap

Episode 49. End of Year Review… Oh, my, it has been an interesting year.

Ah, we got together with our usual suspects, and while our local Curmudgeon was enjoying his Old-fashioned, I was enjoying Cold Medicine. Even so, we went through the biggest events that happened this year, including the Oracle v Google debacle, The new copy-and-kill strategies from cloud providers, the proliferation of Java implementations, the re-emergence of Eclipse Foundation as a home for standards, and of course, the Java EE (reincarnated as Jakarta EE) saga.

It has been a great year, and we couldn’t have made it with our listeners. Thanks for listening to our podcasts. We have expanded our OffHeap family, so don’t forget to check all of our podcasts. And you can always drop off a line @offheap (

We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

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DO follow us on twitter @offheap

Episode 42. Move over JCP! There’s a new Specs Maintaining Organization in town with Eclipse Foundation Spec Process.

Oh goody, this episode is special in many ways! First, I got to travel to Chicago, and meet in-person with our usual suspects. We went to the bar where everything started, and we recorded our 42th episode in-person! (very Douglas Adams). But aside from the reminiscing, we actually got the Executive Director of The Eclipse Foundation to go on the record on what’s happening with Eclipse Foundation and Jakarta EE! We went into what does it mean to have the Eclipse Foundation Spec Process (and how is that affect the JCP), and dove into maintainers, and the future of Jakarta EE (Glassfish is released!).

All in all, an incredible episode, with “you-heard-it-here-first” content. Go ahead an play. Also, a big shoutout to Dr. Heinz Kabutz who plugged our podcast in his newsletter. If you haven’t subscribed to it, you definitively should! His Java newsletter is unparalleled and is always full of excelent topics and Java tips/trick. A must for every Java developer.

We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

DataDog Logo

DO follow us on twitter @offheap

Episode 40. Oh What a Year…Hystrix is gone, Eclipse can now do specs, and we just toast for 2018.

That’s it folks, we say goodbye to an interesting 2018, where we look back at release trains (we started on Java 9, now we are at 11), mergers (Microsoft + Github, and IBM + Redhat) and past conferences (JavaOne is no more).

And after that we put our gipsy hats and gaze into the future. Will the Train Release keep delivering? And is the OpenJDK in risk of fragmenting (more)? We speculate and keep the punditry going for the last closer of an episode.

We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

DataDog Logo

DO follow us on twitter @offheap

Episode 39. RedHat + IBM are now one, and Amazon introduces a new Java Flavor (Corretto)

Oh my! It’s an interesting month in the Java space. IBM just acquired RedHat, and we are just wondering what does that mean for the Java Ecosystem. We don our pundit hats and try to see the different perspective on what that does to their redundant Projects (Openliberty and Wildfly). Also, RedHat is the official maintainer of the OpenJDK 8 branch… What would happen now? (or in the near future) under IBM’s stewardship?

We also jumped into Amazon introducing another OpenJDK flavor, and wonder what does it mean for the (now growing) OpenJDK alternatives. Is it fragmenting? Or growing? What is Amazon’s purpose on its OpenJDK flavor of Corretto?

In all, an incredibly intersting episode. Make sure not to miss this one!

We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

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DO follow us on twitter @offheap