So new things are happening! Jakarta EE 9.1 was released, GraalVM got to 21.1, and Spring Native is now at 0.10.
We also get a new LightBend CEO (what does this mean?), and the favorite developer Copy-Paste Website (StackOverflow) got bought for (insert Dr. Evil voice here) ONE (.8) BILLION DOLLARS. You didn’t hear it first here, BUT we sure talk about what does this mean! (Remember ExpertsExchange?)
Lastly we dive into a deep discussion on Ransomware and security and how all these things we work everyday can, and are affected by it. Why some companies are keeping up, others are letting security slide, and more importantly, for us as Developers, what kind of role we play on these things.
A passionate discussion on which we touch many points and explore our involvement on this field!
We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode
DO follow us on twitter @offheap
GlassFish 6.2 Released
GraalVM 21.1.0
Stackoverflow is acquired
Meat Packer Cyberattack
Colonial Cyber Attack
BadB Promotional Cartoon (NOTE! NOT SAFE FOR WORK)