Oh goody, this episode is special in many ways! First, I got to travel to Chicago, and meet in-person with our usual suspects. We went to the bar where everything started, and we recorded our 42th episode in-person! (very Douglas Adams). But aside from the reminiscing, we actually got the Executive Director of The Eclipse Foundation to go on the record on what’s happening with Eclipse Foundation and Jakarta EE! We went into what does it mean to have the Eclipse Foundation Spec Process (and how is that affect the JCP), and dove into maintainers, and the future of Jakarta EE (Glassfish is released!).
All in all, an incredible episode, with “you-heard-it-here-first” content. Go ahead an play. Also, a big shoutout to Dr. Heinz Kabutz who plugged our podcast in his newsletter. If you haven’t subscribed to it, you definitively should! His Java newsletter is unparalleled and is always full of excelent topics and Java tips/trick. A must for every Java developer.
We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

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