Freddy Guime

Episode 5. Tales from China, brought to us by Josh Long, What is cloud native, and what’s in sun.misc.unsafe anyways

This podcast is special because we have of first guest, Josh Long! @starbuxman. Hailing us on Skype, he talks to us about what’s going on with Java within the great Wall of China. We also dive into being Cloud-ready, and what does it mean to remove Unsafe from Java 9

DO follow us on twitter @offheap

Episode 4. Spyware, Malware, Adware with SE? oh noes! How micro is micro, and is it really better? How does relate to frameworks? Performance? Two-phase commits?

Get ready to be lawyered-up. It’s coming! Oracle v Google is not going to be heard by the Supreme Court, and while that might not spell “Doom” just yet, it’s fast approaching the reality that APIs are on the verge of copy-right-a-bi-li-ty (that’s too many slashes, just for emphasis).

Then we dive into what everyone seems to be consulting on, presenting on, it’s the buzzword of the moment, the superstar, the Britney Spears (or Katie Perry) of today. Of course, we are talking of Micro-services. We go and discuss the perspective from many different points of view (from the performance guy to the independent to the small and large shops) and try to figure out is it fad? or is just something we always knew with a different name. So come take a listen!

DO follow us on twitter @offheap
Follow Cedric as well!


Episode 3. Of Obama, Copyrights, about Typesafe Names, the JCP and its Process, and some Birthday Beer!

So as soon as we clicked the Record button, there were news of the Obama administration asking the Supreme Court to not take the Oracle V Google case. That’s news. Like big news. We discussed, and left you a nicely typed doc in the shownotes to forward to your congressional representative. Also, someone (Typesafe) is going to the Secretary-of-state and asking for a Name-Change form, just that they are not sure what to fill in just yet. Then we take a skip into the new things happening in the JCP, talk about what works, what can be improved and we end with sharing the story of a language that just happen to turn 20 this past month!
DO follow us on twitter @offheap
Links and such.



Episode 2. Tales of Microsoft, JavaScript as Bytecode, Java as the new Cobol, and of Orphaned Groovy/Grail Kids!

Ooof, we start this podcast with the news that Microsoft is coming to our turf and is introducing their core .net libraries for Mac and Linux. We then dive into this theory of JS being the Bytecode of the web (Java Webstart, you tried). Then we got called “old”, as in Cobol old (getoffmyLawn!) to finally talk about Groovy, Grails and what does it mean when a project loses its “home”. Always entertaining, with a lot of opinions abound!

DO follow us on twitter @offheap

Links and such.

– The Java Council, the “Other” Java Newscast 😉 (

– Microsoft releases .net core for Mac/Linux (

– Grails finds home at Object Computing (

Episode 1. Java Off-Heap. Let us introduce ourselves and talk APIs

The Maiden Voyage of the Off-Heap, as they venture outside of their Java world, and take a look at what’s happening Around Java (not just inside). We start by swinging with the Heavy-Hitters and talk about Oracle Vs Google, The values of Tech Interviews, and the End-Of-Life of Java 7 (is it?). Come take a listen to the Coolest Java Technical News podcast out there (we might be biased though).

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