So as soon as we clicked the Record button, there were news of the Obama administration asking the Supreme Court to not take the Oracle V Google case. That’s news. Like big news. We discussed, and left you a nicely typed doc in the shownotes to forward to your congressional representative. Also, someone (Typesafe) is going to the Secretary-of-state and asking for a Name-Change form, just that they are not sure what to fill in just yet. Then we take a skip into the new things happening in the JCP, talk about what works, what can be improved and we end with sharing the story of a language that just happen to turn 20 this past month!
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Links and such.
- Obama administration asks U.S. top court to decline Google copyright appeal
- Open letter to Congress to revisit the Oracle Vs Google case (copy and send to your representative!)
- The JCP
- Chicago Java Users Group Adopt-A-JSR online presentation (how can I change Java)