OffHeap 88. Of Smart Agents that help you code better…or worse?
So Coding Agents are here to stay. And they are hitting everywhere we go! (at a cheap price!). So what do we make of them. Do they help? do...
OffHeap 86. Of striking crowds and independence
So last time we recorded we still have a running windows operating system and we haven’t seen the Crowdstrike meltdown happen yet. We also hear of JRuby achieving independence,...
New Episodes
Check out our new episodes (Published monthly)
OffHeap 79. DevNexus 2023! With Brian Fox (CTO of Sonatype)
We are at it again! We went to DevNexus in Atlanta, and we have the WHOLE GANG showing up! It has...
OffHeap 78. Starting the year kicking ON Spring! (tee-hee get it?)
So there it is! We go deep covering the interesting news of Spring Boot 3, and Spring Framework 6… and looking...
OffHeap 77. The “Lost” Episode
So, someone forgot to click on the “publish” button for December and we have an extra episode queued up! (Oh well)...
OffHeap 76. On license changes and Open Source Software
If you haven’t heard, Akka has changed is open source license (from Apache to Commercial). And if you have been using...
OffHeap 75. Hey, how about that new Job Offer?
So markets are changing, and we have a crazy two years. FAANG and others are really really looking for new developers,...
OffHeap 74. Back at the Bar (Roundhouse)
Oh my! So this episode Freddy couldn’t be in (He was busy running a Seattle JUG meetup), but have no Fear!...
A Wide News Network
We have a wide network of Java movers and shakers so we have a leg-up getting you the inside scoop on what’s going on
Fresh Perspectives
We are not kidding when we say that while we share the same common language all of us use it in very different situations. A podcast like no other, we tend to see more than one viewpoint on each episode
Industry Guests
We not only talk about the current Java News, but also bring guests to the show so you can hear from them exactly what’s happening around our great Java Ecosystem.
Show Hosts
We are four friends that happened to have passionate Java Conversations. That was easy. We just then added a mic, and turned it on. The rest is history!
Freddy Guime
The leader of the gang. Freddy is the one who turned on the mic, and record the fireworks that happen when discussing Java News. Previously on Java SE, and now working for a big Enterprise firm, he is now part of your Everyday Enterprise Developer.
Bob Paulin
Our in-resident Java Consultant and Open Source Advocate, Bob brings the views (and tribulations) when looking through a seasoned Consultant's eye. Most of all, he's a big Apache Foundation contributor
Try getting him to sign an NDA, and...stand...back.
Michael Minella
Our in-resident Curmudgeon, Michael leads Pivotal's Spring Batch. He tends to call a spade-a-spade, and is the most opinionated of the regular show hosts.
Tired of the sugarcoated news? Michael is your guy
Josh Juneau
Working in a quasi-governmental institution Josh give us the perspective of public sector projects. An advocate for Standards, he is intimately involved with the Adopt-a-JSR efforts, and thrives in "anything" Java EE related.
Featured Guests
Over many of our episodes we have brought Java and JVM Stars. Here’s some of our highlighted Guests Interviews.