Freddy Guime

Episode 35. A bug in Java 9 and 10? Oh noes, Serializable is out! And now Microsoft took over GitHub. Lastly, EE Spec docs are not being transferred! (Now what?)

Oh my, there are so much news going on. Starting with a weird string concat bug in Java 9 and 10. We also see that Serializable is going to be removed (and hopefully there is an alternative for it), and we also dive into the ethics of Google as it turns down military contracts they are uncomfortable with. We also see Mission Control being open sourced and explore what that means (an opportunity for growth or a death knell for the product?).

Lastly we dive into a bit of a news where Oracle will retain the description of the EE specs and not transfer it to the Eclipse Foundation. What does that mean for Jakarta? All this and more in the full-to-the-brim episode!

We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

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Episode 34. On twitter, IPOs, vulnerabilities, (Java)script name copyrights, and IBMs play on JVM Maintenance

So we start with Twitter news (change your password) to then dive into exciting news this month. There are a couple of notable IPOs and Aquisition including @pivotal, and @smartsheet. (Congrats!). We then take a detour onto Mesosphere raising $125 million (and talk about if all these valuations feel right?) to then see Cambridge Analytica disbanded. Oh, and think twice about naming something with “Java” in your app as Oracle seems to flexing more Copyright muscle. Lastly we see a new play from IBM where they will provide support for OpenJDK’s OpenJ9. What does this mean for Oracle and their commercial support? Only time will tell. But that doesn’t stop us from speculating about it! So take a listen to a fully charged Java OffHeap!


We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

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Episode 33. Oracle vs Google, US Vs Microsoft, and now you can keep your salary a secret

We start this podcast swinging, looking like a 80’s boxing series, we are in round 5 of Oracle vs Google (we just offer a small update). Then we dive into a new California ruling that’s taking the tech world by storm (Wage history cannot be used to discriminate against minorities), and lastly we land into US vs Microsoft, which dropped their lawsuit because of the recently passed CLOUD act…Not a good thing. So take a listen as we dive into all of these topics while introducing a new pundit (Janine Patterson) to the group!

We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

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Episode 32. On Java10, the next internet bubble and data breaches!

Yes, #Java10 is out, and #Java11 is on early release! Join us as we dive into Salesforce acquiring Mulesoft (at a cool 6.5 billion), and wonder…is the next tech bubble here? We then tackle Facebook and its privacy concerns and wonder, do we, as developers have a responsibility to help prevent this? Overall, a very charged episode worth listening!

We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

DO follow us on twitter @offheap

Episode 31. Welcome to ATLANTA! (DevNexus 2018)

Oh yeah! We went down to Atlanta again to experience DevNexus (which is probably the second largest US Java Conference). Causing trouble yet again, we set shop and hoodwinked speakers to talk to us an enter our DevNexus Game Show. Always entertaining, with @tedneward, @startbuxman, @dblevins and @TonyaRaeMoore you can expect the most hilarious answers to the question “I admit it…The room I actually develop my best code is ____” (and many more). So take a listen, have a beer (or tip us one), and enjoy this episode of OffHeap from the great land of Atlanta!


We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

DO follow us on twitter @offheap

Episode 30. On Meltdowns, Payara, and the state of Java EE (with Eclipse’s Executive Director Mike Milinkovich)

What an eventful time for being a Software developer. We got a Meltdown, and a Spectre in our field to begin with, and we also have some interesting news brewing from Payara. But most importantly we secured an interview with no other than Eclipse Foundation’s own Executive Director Mike Milinkovich! He takes us into an inner tour of what’s going on with JavaEE (and the handoff between Oracle and the Eclipse Foundation). We talked on all topics EE, including namespaces, future names, clarifications on what is being open sourced and the relevancy of the JCP in today’s climate. In all, even if you think you don’t use Java EE (hint…you are probably using specs that are surviving under the EE umbrella…Json much?) you should take a listen!

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Episode 29. On SpringOne, EE4J, and Oh, gosh, we just lost Net Neutrality!

So we got our crew reporting on SpringOne and what has happened over there (IBM is working “very” closely with Pivotal!). Then we discuss a little of EE4J (the notes from Mike Milinkovich), to then dive into something affecting everyone that lives (or works with) the US. Yes, we are talking deep about Net Neutrality and how can it change the dynamics on how we work and what we do! So take a listen, an important episode for sure


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Episode 28. Back from JavaOne! With the dropped bomb on Java EE (or EE4J?), FN tech and more!

So it’s our anual JavaOne Debrief. After landing at the conference we got to take a look at what’s brewing behind Oracle. With our special guest @edburns we dive into the big Red plans for EE, the answer from Oracle on Lambdas (hey everyone is jumping into that train), and more. Sure to please, never boring, take a listen to our latest episode of @OffHeap

DO follow us on twitter @offheap



Episode 27. Java 9 is out! Java EE to end up at the Eclipse Foundation? And on Breaches

Oh my gosh! When it rain it pours. We have tons of news for this podcast, starting with the actual release of Java 9 (wow, it is finally OUT!). And on the toes of that we have the news that Java EE is going to be moving to the Eclipse Foundation (and outside the JCP)! Lastly we dive into the big Equifax vulnerability (and see what was the vulnerability about). In all, an exciting episode on which we make predictions to the uncharted territory Java is heading towards!

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OffHeap’s Mark And Sweep Episode 1. Let’s hear about the beginning of Java, from its creator James Gosling.

Hello there! We are so excited to bring you into our new segment at OffHeap. Called “Mark And Sweep”, we dive into different interviews from notable developers across time. With Ed Burns (author of the Secrets of the RockStar Programmers), and the usual OffHeap crew, we listen, dissect, and comment on these interviews.

Our First episode is none other than James Gosling. He is considered the “Father of Java”, and he put the Java language on the map (which was named “Oak” at the beginning). Ed interviewed him for his book a little while ago, and incredibly, a lot of the advice and ideas he mentioned still holds very well today. So come and take a listen on this first pilot episode of Mark And Sweep.

Also, stay tuned for the second episode of Mark And Sweep when Ed, Bob, Michael, Josh and me (Freddy) comment on Chris Wilson (The Browser Architect for Internet Explorer) interview.

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